2019년 10월 18일 금요일

Not "big" eyes but "protruded" eyes (exophthalmos and prominent eyes)

Not “big eyes” but “protruded eyes”

Have you ever thought, “My eyes are too big for my face?” You aren’t alone. Chances are, however, it’s not your eyes that are the problem, it’s your orbit. When the orbit, the space behind the eye, is shallow, not allowing much space for the eye to sit properly, the result is a set of prominent eyes, eyes that protrude (think Kermit the frog). Then there are bulging eyes. Bulging eyes, or proptosis, are prominent (pun intended ^^) among individuals with a history of thyroid problems or conditions that affect intraocular pressure. Just like in prominent eyes, there is not enough space in the orbit and the eyes protrude.

There are a number of medical complications and problems that can arise due to bulging eyes; prominent eyes are usually hereditary and, for the most part, harmless. Be it a case of bulging eyes or prominent ones, as they are known to create an intense or overly serious look in the face of an individual, both may prove to be aesthetically displeasing.

If you feel that your eyes are too big for your face, then fear not. We here at EFIL can help you. We are specialists with over 10 years of experience treating patients with protruded eye. If you have any questions or wish to make any inquiries, please visit our homepage.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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