I'm Not a Gold Fish Anymore
After the Exophthalmos Surgery by EFIL
▲ After the Exophthalmos Surgery
I had a big complex since I was a little girl. I got nicknames from my friends which is always related to prominent eyes. I thought about getting the double eyelid surgery, but I was worried about the eyes might have been even bigger. It was a real complex and had a lot of stress. Also, I didn't know there is a surgery for these eyes. After I got married and got busy so, I almost forgot that I had this complex.
▲Before the Exophthalmos Surgery
Suddenly, I found out that EFIL Plastic Surgery Center operated the exophthalmos surgery. Since that moment, I felt something in my mind. I hesitated once because I was in 40’s and a mother. However, I decided to live my rest of my life without my big bulging eyes. After I talked to Dr. Peter Kim, I wanted to get the surgery more than ever. Of course my husband opposed the expensive surgery at first, but I am satisfied with the result.
Fortunately, the swelling and bruise was not that bad, and I got back to my work in 10 days after the surgery. Since there was no scar externally, people even didn’t recognize that I got exophthalmos surgery. I wore my glasses for 2 weeks. After one month, people actually told me I got prettier before, but couldn't find out how. Even my husband who opposed the surgery really likes my eyes.
Even though I was worried about putting under general anesthesia, and my new face, I still would have done the surgery if I could go back to that moment.
Thank you very much Dr. Peter Kim!
Original story from Mrs. Jung
▲ Before& After the Exophthalmos Surgery
벌써 수술한지 3개월이 지났네요 시간이 빨리 흐른것 같기도하고 이제 불편감이 거의 사라져서 아직 3개월밖에 안지났구나하는생각도 듭니다^^저는 어릴때부터 민해경닯았다 금붕어 등 별명이 있었어요 컴플렉스에서 벗어나고자 성인이 되어서 쌍커풀수술도 해보고 했지만 외꺼풀일때보다 눈이 더 커지니까 눈이 넘 크다는 말을 많이 들었던것 같습니다 정말 컴플렉스였고 스트레스였지만 그때는 이런수술이 있는지도 몰랐어요^^ 그럭저럭 시간이지나 사랑하는사람도 만나고 결혼도하고 아이도 낳아서 키우면서 컴플렉스를 느낄틈도 없이 바쁘게 살았던것 같습니다.
그러다가 우연한기회에 에필성형외과에서 돌출눈수술을 한다는것을 알게되었습니다 그때부터 저의심장은 뛰기 시작했어요~ 나이도 마흔이넘고 결혼도 했지만 하루를 살더라도 컴플렉스없이 살고싶다는생각이 간절해졌습니다 그래서 일단 상담을 받아보기로 했지요 상담을하고 나니까 더 믿음이가더라구요 첨엔 고가의 수술비와 신랑의 반대로 잠시 고민도 했었지만 수술받고난 지금은 넘 만족하고 있습니다
그리고 생각만큼 멍도 붓기도 심하지 않아 저는 열흘정도 쉬고 직장에도 복귀할수있었습니다 외관상에 큰변화가 있는것이 아니라 주위에서 수술했는지도 잘모르더라구요 전 그냥 한이주정도는 안경 쓰고 다닌것같아요 그리고 한달정도지났을때부터는 어딘가모르게 이뻐졌다, 인상이 부드러워졌다는 말을 많이 들은것 같습니다 많이 반대했던 신랑도 좋아하더라구요^^
전신마취수술에대한 막연한 두려움, 수술후 변화될 내모습에 대한 걱정들로 괴로웠지만 다시 그상황이 온다고해도 전수술할것을 선택할것같습니다^^ 수술잘해주신 원장님께 정말 감사드립니다^^
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